Is Biden “Covering Up” His Incompetence as a Leader?

Is Biden’s outreach during the Miami building collapse incident being used as a “cover up” for his incompetence as a leader? Is he really being proactive or is the mainstream media just using this tragedy as a way of building his image?

A condominium collapsed in Surfside, Florida last 24th of June. 

The building contained 136 apartments and 55 of them collapsed… leaving piles of debris. 

The search and rescue operation is currently suspended in preparation for tropical  storm Elsa. Right now, the team is prioritizing the demolition of the partially collapsed building.

As of July 6, the death toll rose to 36… and 109 people still remain unaccounted for. There are a lot of bodies left unfound, and a lot of families grieving…

Experts have been sharing their opinions on why they think the building could have collapsed.

Greg Schlessinger is a contractor who built a number of complexes in the area similar to the building that collapsed. He shared his thoughts about the incident, “There are two items there: concrete and steel. If the steel is exposed and loses its structural integrity, then the concrete fails instantaneously. That’s how it failed.”

Gary Slossberg, founder of National Home Building & Remodeling Corp. also has his ideas. He mentioned that the salt in Miami’s coastal air could potentially facilitate the erosion of steel. He said, “It’s like cancer. By the time you see it, it could be too late.”

According to the building’s property record, it has no unsafe structures and no expired permits. There was no warning of the collapse on record. 

But an external report documents the building sinking two millimeters a year…

That seems to be enough of a warning sign…

It’s been almost 2 weeks since Biden made public appearances to comment on the tragedy. Now we’re seeing him in action. The mainstream media is making him look sharp as he pledges support for rescue efforts.

Biden visited the condo collapse site, as well as the families affected by the tragedy. He also said that the federal government would pay 100% of the first 30 days of the recovery costs.

He “tried” to comfort people affected during his press speech. Biden said, “What amazed me about this group of people was their resilience, their absolute commitment and willingness to do whatever it took to find the answer. I walked away amazed by their strength.”

However, despite Biden’s efforts to “help” there are still a lot of skeptics on social media. 

There were many comments that noticed how Harris had to remind Biden about opening the Miami building collapse incident during a White House event… when the tragedy was still new. 

He had to be reminded to talk about it… This part of the event was edited out in most videos…

Others feel that Biden’s other speeches were just pre-written… and the questions for him during press conferences about the tragedy were all spoon-fed.

The negative comments and the huge amount of dislikes seems to be telling us something… and that’s probably something our mainstream media won’t tell us.

This makes us ask questions and doubt Biden’s actions right now.

Is he trying to “cover up” all his inconsistencies as a leader by showing that he is proactive? Is this all for the show? Is Biden really the one speaking or is there someone else telling him what to do?

And now we’re witnessing Biden who has this “dementia babble” changing his image… being groomed by the mainstream media once again… to be the man that he is not.

This just makes Biden’s sincerity as a leader questionable. Is he really doing it for the people in Miami or is he doing it because someone is telling him to do so?

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13 Thoughts to “Is Biden “Covering Up” His Incompetence as a Leader?”

  1. Roberta King

    It’s already been too long!

  2. donna1234

    i BELIEVE HE IS DOING IT FOR SHOW……he couldn’t care less about the people…….he does what he thinks is good for himself and what he is told to do by his handlers.

  3. BDS

    Dems stole this election for a Buffoon – sad to watch this incompetent man who can’t even read off a teleprompter or notecards – the world is laughing @ him & our country for stealing an election for someone who doesn’t even know what day it is or who’s on his staff
    Congrats Dems the world is laughing @ u!

  4. Clemmie Mccluster

    Race,lying talking out are order about women’s like Trump telling lies about the VIRUS. Spending Money leaving the poorest and middle Class behind. Maybe some women’s like mental men I don’t. And again I do believe Trump has PROBLEMS. And is not responsible for his behavior, And yes Read all about it RACE should be taught by Kids Family. Trump need a baby sitter not Biden. If Obama had done and said all nonsense Trump did and said. He wouldn’t lasted, explain that. Too ME. Let’s get on with what need to be done. And again. And AGAIN We do HAVE A RACE Problem in this Country.And I can Explain from some My White Friends. I will not comment on this again.Pray and Pray and a change will come. In GOD I trust.

  5. George

    NOT BABIES !!!

  6. Mar Dicaprio

    No we all see Biden’ incompetence

  7. Wyatt Earp

    There not a soul in the Biden administration that know anything about building. But sure do know how to destroy the economy! Biden has no clue or idea why these leftist are keeping him out of public eyes, or won’t let him speak freely! Media is running his administration and his staff is destroy the country for leftist sickness!

  8. William

    Joe Biden couldn’t cover up a steaming pile of cow manure with a trackhoe!

  9. Frances Weingarten

    Needless to say, I’m not a fan of Joe Biden! However, as another person, he deserves the same kind of response as anybody else! whether he knew anything about the Florida building, it was likely something that somebody told him about!
    Whatever Bidens failings, he’s still a person with the same ups and downs as the rest of us! I doubt that he had anything to do with the Florida building and whatever happenedtheir is still unknown !!

  10. Antogeny

    Is Biden “Covering Up” His Incompetence as a Leader? ANSWER: Not very well.

  11. Joan

    What leadership are you speaking about all he does is mumble,who is able to understand a damn word he says?!?!?

  12. James

    Time to impeach the Two Domestic Terrorists in the White House and Remove them America Vote out the Nazis AKA the democratic party and Rino’s and progressives Next election We The People Demand our country back from the Evil Politicians in Washington DC swamp

  13. Donald

    For those of you who know what the “4th Estate” is… it has devolved from being the protectors of Freedom, Liberty and protection of the Constitutional rights guaranteed to all Americans into the Undertakers and proponents of the destruction of American moral values and freedoms. Strictly speaking, one could make a case for naming the majority of people in mass media as SEDITIONISTS!

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